HOW TO: Customise New Facebook Profiles (With Free PSD)

Facebook profile customised with profile pic and gallery

There have been some amazingly creative uses of Facebook’s new profile layout recently:

Lexy Page Facebook ProfileAia Facebook ProfileThibaut Facebook Profile

You can see more cool examples here and here. There are two ways to do this, depending on whether you have Photoshop or not…


STEP 1: Download this Photoshop PSD file:

Download the PSD here

STEP 2: Drag a picture of yourself into the canvas and put that layer behind my layer (which is essentially a Facebook screenshot with holes in) which should look like the image above.

STEP 3: Move and resize your image until you’re happy with how it looks.

STEP 4: ‘Save for Web’. Select the ‘JPEG High’ preset. In the following screen where you choose a filename select ‘All User Slices’ in the ‘Slices’ drop-down. Click Save.

STEP 5: You’ll see the 6 images you have saved are named:

  • Gallery-Pic-1-(tag-last)
  • Gallery-Pic-2
  • Gallery-Pic-3
  • Gallery-Pic-4
  • Gallery-Pic-5-(tag-first) 
  • Main-Profile-Pic

Upload these to Facebook in a new album

STEP 6: Make ‘Main-Profile-Pic’ your profile pic and then tag yourself in the gallery images to make them appear. IMPORTANT: you must tag yourself in the gallery images in the correct order, starting with the one on the very right, working your way to the one on the left.

STEP 7: Remove any unwanted news feed items from your profile generated whilst creating this. And you’re done!


For a quick, easy way to do this you can use new service where you can login using your Facebook credentials and quickly create a snazzy looking profile.

Have fun, and share the fruits of your labour (your Facebook URL) in the comments 🙂

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