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    Digital Marketing

    Resources for today’s digital marketer. With tips and opinion on digital and social media marketing – from SEO and PPC to creative content marketing.

    I Took a Month Off Social Media: 7 Things I Found Out

    Today I’ve started using social media again after a month-long hiatus. It wasn’t a January detox thing, more just that I got busy writing a book, realised I’d been absent from Twitter, Instagram et al for a while and decided to round it up...

    Independent voices of 2011: Most influential non-celebrities on Twitter

    The Independent listed their ‘voices of 2011’ today, highlighting the non-celebrities on Twitter who are 'setting the news agenda’. Pretty stoked to learn that I’m included in the Technology list. Being listed alongside the other eight in that list is an honour indeed :) Read:...

    Facebook Pages Upgrade – What You Need To Know

    The old, and new Facebook pages at a glance On 10th March all Facebook Pages - i.e. pages which are not for personal accounts but for brands, businesses and organizations - will be upgraded to a new style consistent with personal profiles, with a picture...

    My Snapchat Masterclass at The Guardian’s Changing Media Summit

    This session at The Guardian's tech-focussed conference took a deep dive into Snapchat's world. See and download the presentation.

    Best Places to Learn Digital Marketing Online for Free

    More people than ever want to learn digital marketing and embark on a career in one of the fastest-growing job types, but where can you quickly get up-to-speed with free courses on everything from SEO to social media? Here's our round-up of the best. Note:...

    Marketing KPIs Examples: Your Guide to Measuring Success

    A motor car speedometer, lit in red at night.
    In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, it is crucial for businesses to track and analyze their performance. Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential tools that help companies measure their success and drive informed decision-making. In this in-depth guide, we will delve...

    5 Power Tips for Copywriting in Social Media

    Woman sitting writing a social media post
    Social media marketing is special. It’s unique because it is one of the few ways that marketers can accurately target populations based on their likelihood of wanting to buy specific products and services. Data published by Statista suggests that almost half of the world’s population...

    14 Best Travel Brands on TikTok

    It's like TikTok is made for travel brands - short-form video gives viewers immediate access to a range of destinations and experiences. But who are the best travel brands on TikTok? And what are the secrets of their success in going viral on the...

    My Week Offline

    I’m back online after a whole week off work and without any tweets, blog posts, photo uploads or much action between me and the internet at all. If you’re curious to know what it’s like to live without Facebook, Twitter, iPlayer, Digg or whatever it...

    How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2024 (and how to outsmart it)

    Have you ever created a fantastic piece of content for your Instagram, only to have your ego bruised by little to zero engagement on the post? Unlike the Kylie Jenners of this world, we can't guarantee a thoughtless post on our feed will go...